#include "allvars.h" long NumPart; int *Head, *Next, *Tail, *Len; int *GroupLen, *GroupOffset; FILE *Logfile; double BoxSize, BoxHalf; int DesDensNgb; float *Hsml; float *Quantity; float *Vel; float *Mass; float Softening; float *Value, *ValueQuantity; float *Cube, *CubeQuantity; float Hmax; struct particle_data *P; /*!< points to particles on this processor */ struct particle_vel_data *PVel; struct r2data *R2list; int AnzNodes; int MaxNodes; int *Nextnode; int *Father; struct NODE *Nodes_base; /*!< points to the actual memory allocted for the nodes */ struct NODE *Nodes; /*!< this is a pointer used to access the nodes which is shifted such that Nodes[All.MaxPart] gives the first allocated node */